North Yorkshire Wedding Photographer

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Chris and Sarah | Wedding Photography

Wedding photography is a difficult game to play. not only is the market flooded with so called photographer, but most people see my job easy. The phase " you just take pictures" is used a lot when chatting to people. What people don't see is the amount of effort that goes into creating those "pictures". Chris and Sarah's wedding was no different but here I had two beautiful people who understood and appreciated exactly what I do. When starting your wedding photography. Particularly if you are starting with the bridal preparations. You get carried along on the this mad and hectic train, the pace been full on, make-up, hair, getting into dresses, cars arriving something Sarah felt on her wedding day. Once its time for me to leave its a rush to the church for me it to cover the Groom and arrival of the guests, with the impending arrival of the bride, there is the proceedings to double check with the vicar and check for lighting, places to stand etc. Then once the bride has arrived there is the pressure to make sure you capture her getting out of the car, entering the church before rushing to the front to capture the emotion of the groom as his bride walks down the isle. At this point i could see the morning had taken its toll on Sarah but she was still standing strong and looked beautiful ready to meet her groom. Once in the ceremony, There the pressure to capture the rings, and first kiss not forgetting those loving glances between bride and groom. After the ceremony you have the registrar to capture, then arranging your position ready for the bride and groom to head down the isle. Family and group images to be taken at the church, should the bride and groom wish to have them add to the wedding photography. before heading to the reception venue. This is the point the Chris and Sarah really relaxed and the pace of their day slows to a more manageable level. All this happens in the blink of an eye, but the reception is much less pressure, once guests are settled as a wedding photographer you can step back and observe the emotion, the laughter, the children playing. The wedding finished you still have the back ups and processing of the images before the bride and groom view them. But I just do wedding photography, I just take picture don't I?.......If you would like to enquire about me capturing your story then have a look at my wedding page or even just drop me