Carl & Alison | Pre-wedding Photoshoot

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Pre wedding photo shoots feature as an important part of any wedding we capture. They provide opportunity for the clients to build their relationship with us and for us to break that ice with the camera before the important wedding day.

The last thing we want is to miss documenting the wedding to its fullest with bride or groom hiding from the camera, I do have to say its usually the groom that hates the camera until after several drinks then its not an issue. Unfortunately on a wedding day we don’t have the time to wait for several drinks to be consumed, so the pre wedding photo shoot speeds the process up and the clients' benefit on their day.

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Carl and Alison were no exception, like with all our services we are easy going, allowing the children and dogs to be apart of the photo shoot. This also helps the children become accustomed to us and how we work.

The pre wedding photoshoots are fun and friendly for the whole family and usually taking place in any location, South Gare in Redcar has been used predominantly throughout the 14 years we’ve offered this with in the package.

This I where Carl and Alison choose, its quiet and relaxed environment which is great if you are a little nervous in front of the camera. The last thing you want is a crowded beach with lots of on lookers wondering why a family are having a photo shoot.

We managed to grab some lovely images before the children started running riot on the almost endless beach along side the two dogs.

Carl and Alison’s wedding is in a few weeks at Sneaton Castle In the beautiful seaside town of Whitby such a beautiful venue, we can’t wait to be there.


Sam & Christina | Wedding


Liam and Bethany | Rushpool Hall