My Wedding Photography Blog.

Stuart Brown Stuart Brown

Pinkball, Cancer Research UK | Gisborough Hall

I’ve covered the Pinkball arranged by the Pink Ladies, East Cleveland since they started running them at Gisborough Hall. I cover these free of charge, its such a wonderful event for such an important charity. With guest appearances from such local celebrities as Bernie Slaven. The girls work hard to create this event and manage to generate a huge amount of money for the charity.

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Stuart Brown Stuart Brown

Mark and Joanne | Gisborough Hall wedding photographer

Another local and favourite venue of mine, do I have any other venue? What can I say, I’m passionate about my profession and love working everywhere I capture weddings. Mark and Joanne’s wedding at Gisborough Hall was special to me. I’ve worked with Joanne for some years as a model and commercially for her work too.

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