A beautiful Child photo shoot | Portrait Photography

I don't like to over complicate my child portrait photography. You see these images on Facebook and other social media with fake backgrounds and false christmas trees. To me that detracts the viewer eyes away from the most important part of a image, the subject. Beit a child, a pampered pooch or a model.

It also dates the image, a christmas tree in the background of a family image means it going to look a little daft on granny's wall in June!

A nice simple coloured background becomes timeless. Well as much as the child growing older and changing, but at least its not seasonal. I sometimes like to work on a black background. But this I find suits a older child more. I can then reduce the amount of light and look to change the image to black and white. This gives a little more moody feel - suiting a teenage well! Whereas in Leo's case a plain white gave a more pure feel to the image.

In this case It was a lovely little lad called Leo, It's been a while since I've had such a smiley happy little one in the studio. I tend to cater more for the larger family groups and when a little one(s) is surrounded by lots of people in some they only just met they tend to go inward.

However Leo was a dream to work with, a crisp white background and a perfect little model. Smiling away at his father been daft behind my head.

Even granny came back to buy some images later on.

If you wish to book your child in for a portrait session then contact Stuart.


Sam and Sarah | Crathorne Hall Hotel


Ben and Jade | The archers country house