Craig and Paula | Pre-wedding Photo shoot.

Pre wedding photo shoot, Redcar, North Yorkshire.

Pre wedding photo shoot, Redcar, North Yorkshire.

Craig and Paula booked their wedding photography what feels like an eternity away. Originally it was going to be a Star wars themed wedding on, yes you guessed it, the 4th of May! With the pandemic hitting the country in 2020 they postponed the wedding and through the year chose several dates only to have it cancelled. Finally in 2021 they were due to make their big day a reality.

Having seen some of my landscape work on the sister website,, Paula really liked the image I had of the steel works at South Gare and asked if she could have her pre-wedding in the same location and simply add her t the same shot (pictured above).

We couldn’t go to the beach without grabbing some shots along the way and it is one of my favourite areas, the beach stretches for mile and is usually really quiet too. This works well when doping pre wedding shoots, it enables the client to settle and relax in front of the camera, without the thought of who’s watching. After all the reason behind doing the shoots is to relax any camera nerves before the wedding day. With every pre wedding photoshoot I always encourage the client’s to bring the children pets.

Redcar Beach pre wedding photoshoot

Redcar Beach pre wedding photoshoot

pre wedding couple photo shoot

pre wedding couple photo shoot


The importance of work experience.


Gavyn and Jenny | Pre wedding Photoshoot